VOL.12 CONTENTS (Title. Author)
★(Special Features) "Risk Management and the Secretaries"Mini-Symposium in the l3th Conference of JAISS:A Report of the Symposium: KANAEKO, Tsuguo
★Report I
Risk Management by Secretaries. NAKANISHI, Nobuo
★Report II
Business Troubles in Asia and Their Management. OONUKI, Masaharu
★Report III
New Roles of Secretaries in Media Handling. HIDAKA, Katsuyuki
★Report IV
Roles of Secretaries in Bankruptcy and Competency. ITO, Takaho
A Systematic Observation of Management Principles and Their Present-Day Significance. TANAKA, Masako
★(Study Notes)
Innovation in Shorthand, Yesterday and Tomorrow. KANEKO, Tsuguo
A Filing System for the Perpetuity of Enterprise Management. ISHIJIMA, Masakatsu
★(Book Review)
Roles of Mentors in Carrier Development (Japanese). MORIYAMA, Hiromi |