☆「(特集)プロトコールと秘書 −グローカル時代をどう生き抜くか(Protocol and Secretaries)・講演I『異文化とプロトコール』(小林健一)・講演II『賓客接遇から始まるプロトコール』(室谷廣二郎)・講演III『秘書機能とプロトコール』(勝田忠生)」


☆「情報通信技術が職場のコミュニケーションと実務に及ぼす変化 −中堅女性ワーカーの聞き取り調査より(大津洋子・水口美知子・笹瀬佐代子・水谷慶子)」 


VOL.13 CONTENTS (Title. Author/s)

A Study of English Business Email Writing: To Identify “What and How to Teach” - From the Students' Emails in the Company Training Courses - HIMAMURA, Toyoko
Impact of Information Technologies to Communication and Administrative Jobs in The Office - An Interview Survey of Female Workers in Mid-Career - OHTSU, Yoko, MIZUGUCHI, Michiko, SASASE, Sayoko, MIZUTANI, Keiko
Possibilities and Problems to Introduce the Work-Sharing to the Secretarial Position. TERAMURA, Eriko
★(Special Features) "Protocol and Secretaries"
Mini-Symposium in the l4th Conference of JAISS:A Report of Symposium: KANEKO, Akiyo
★Report I
Implication of Different Cultures and Protocol. KOBAYASHI, Kenichi
★Report II
Protocol and Hospitality. MUROYA, Kojiro
★Report III
Protocol and Secretarial Function. KATSUTA, Tadao