
☆「短時間勤務秘書職の事例分析 −派遣求人データにみる柔軟な労働形態の可能性」寺村絵里子

シンポジウム改題 「企業の社会的責任と秘書のキャリアコンピテンシー」西澤眞紀子

講演I 「企業の社会的責任と法令順守」土井純雄
講演II「企業の社会的責任と顧客満足」加藤 純

VOL.14 CONTENTS (Title. Author/s)

★(Article) A Study of the Roles and Required Capabilities and Personalities of "Okami"
(Landladies of a "Ryokan") and a Comparison with those of Executive Secretaries KANEKO, Akiyo

★(Note) Case Analysis of Temporary Secretarial Jobs
- the Possibility of Flexible Working Arrangements for Temporary Workers Offered in Online Recruitement - TERAMURA, Eriko

(Special Issue) Corporate Social Responsibility and Career Competency as Secretary
- from the Symposium on the 15th Conference of JAISS Symposium Overview NISHIZAWA, Makiko

★Lecture I
 Corporate Social Responsibility and Compliance DOI, Sumio
★Lecture II
 Corporate Social Responsibility and Customer Satisfaction KATO, Jun
★Lecture III
 Corporate Social Responsibility and Cultivating Human Resources HIRAYAMA, Sei'ichiro