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Our country has achieved economic prosperity until now through our own independent cultural and commercial practices. However, due to globalization and the information-orientation of contemporary society, the times now call for these to undergo various innovations. Needless to say, the globalization and information-orientation of tertiary education is also necessary. The big topic now raised by the inclusion of providing an education relevant to both work and everyday life, outlined in the Ministry of Education’s 1991 revisions to the Standards for the Establishment of Universities, is that of the substantiality of business education.

Recently, language education in our country has been in the process of converting to a more practice-orientated curriculum. Also, secretarial education, in which junior colleges play a leading role, has established itself and entered a period of increasing expansion. However, if these fields of education remain confined to their own specializations, and cooperation amongst them does not occur, then the outcomes for business education are limited.

For the sake of providing a fruitful business education which combines language and secretarial studies, the Japan Association for International Secretarial Studies has been founded, based on the following objectives:

1. Conducting research and providing education concerning the skills and language used in the secretarial field throughout the world

2. Conducting research and engaging in projects concerning the training of secretaries undertaken throughout the world

June 13, 1992

Japan Association for International Secretarial Studies



 そこで,言語教育と秘書教育を連携させて実りの多い実務教育を行うために,次のような目的を掲げ,日本国際秘書学会(Japan Association for International Secretarial Studies)を設立いたします。

 1 国際秘書の職能・言語表現に関する研究および教育

 2 国際秘書養成に関する研究および事業

1992年6月13日 日本国際秘書学会
Copyright (C)2007 JAISS 日本国際秘書学会事務局